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Topics - wmaclough

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I have owned my 1989 GTI 16V since April 1989 when I bought it with a bit more than 600 miles on it.  The Odometer broke about 16 years ago showing over 316,000 miles on it, so I am guessing (with US average yearly mileage, that I have around 500,000 miles on the car.  I have been a member of the US based VWVortex site for many years, but as with many there, my use of that site has ebbed over time.  Right now I am facing a problem born from the fact that parts are scarce.  In this case, I am taking the opportunity in joining The Owners Club, to see it I can find some that were supposedly "re-poped" (I think that's the terminology) or NOS somewhere outside of the USA.  I won't be so crass as to go into them my first time on this site, but I am open to emails from any of you folks that are on topic.  I look forward to meeting you online and maybe finding some parts.  Thanks in advance.

Bill Clough, Auburn California, USA