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Messages - LP5T 16v

Other Problems / Re: Unlucky for some 13 potential water leak areas.
@Eddypeck - did sealing up the ECU cover 100% solve your leak? I seem to have a leak from the area circled in yellow, but can't see how water is getting in from that location? is that even possible? I ask because my ECU appears to be pretty dry aside from some condensation...

Unfortunately not.
I had the windscreen replaced and after that it seemed to stop, else I didn't notice it for a while.
But the leak is back so I don't know if it's the windscreen seal or if that's a red herring.
I can't work out where it's coming from a have resigned to the fact I now need to keep the car under a cover.

I have exact same issue. As above I tried filling it with some silicone but water still drips from in-between the crease!

Any ideas where it's getting in from?

New Members Say Hi! / Hi
Hi all,

New here. I have a 3 door 1991 16v in LP5T, blauschwartz.

From what I've read, this was a special order only colour available on late 16v's!

Does anyone else on here have one in same colour?

It's currently needing some love, which I'm slowing getting round to.

Looking forward to being here with like minded mk2 enthusiasts!