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Topic: Snow foam lance clean up (Read 197 times) previous topic - next topic

Snow foam lance clean up

I've had a snow foam lance for about 4 years, but had found the novelty was beginning to wear off. Mainly because, regardless of product used my foam was no longer very foamy.

So googling around to find out why the lance itself my have deteriorated I fond this blog post

So I bit the bullet and pulled it apart. I have a little ultrasonic bath, so I filled it with a 50:50 mix of distilled water and (corrosive) descaled.

The gauze itself I soaked on it's own in 100% descaler for a few more hours. Before putting it back together.

No pics, sorry. And although the result was more foamy and definitely better, unfortunately it wasn't back to it's original spec.

One thing I didn't do, which is says in the instructions is to actually poke out the little holes. I did depend only on the ultrasonic. So I might give it another go before giving up and buying a new lance. I hate the idea of disposable items.

Anyway, posting this here in case the information is helpful to anyone else, or if you want to follow the instructions.