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Topic: restoring engine company in Hampshire (Read 720 times) previous topic - next topic

restoring engine company in Hampshire

Hello guys

I am looking for recommendation on a good company to restore my engine as I am missing water every time I check. I though of the worse with a cracked block, but some people told me to check the oil filter mount of the gasket which I will do for sure. just checking first in the worse case scenario if I need to get the block decked and refurbed. not strong and skilled enough to do the job myself unfortunately.

I also need to find a sandblasting place as the floor of the car will need replacement and rust cleaning.

thank you for your help


Re: restoring engine company in Hampshire

Reply #1
Sussex Engineering Supplies (SES) in Bognor did my 16v rebore, crank polish and head skim after all the checks and pressure checks etc. to make sure there were no cracks or leaking core plugs etc.  Nice guys.
16V GTI under restoration
Learning a lot  as I go along

Re: restoring engine company in Hampshire

Reply #2
I had a head machined for a high lift cam and rebuilt by Bret Sims Motorsport a few years ago. No complaints and was reasonably priced.