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Topic: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!  (Read 3384 times) previous topic - next topic

Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Hi all!
 I am new to this forum, I’m nearing the end of my mk2 GTI 8V (1990) resto with only a few bits left to do.

Until I came into some bigger problems yet again!

Car has been running fine, went to start it the other day and noticed the fuel pump has stopped priming and car wouldn’t start ( just keeps cranking)

So far I’ve

- bridged the fuel pump relay and it primes but car still won’t start (have since bought a new relay and car still won’t prime)

- tried swapping relay 18 so pumps both run with ignition, which they do... but car still won’t start

- Checked voltage to both pumps and they are fine

- checked the spark plugs, they are dry so no fuel is getting in to cylinder could it possibly be injectors? But then why would that make the fuel pump stop priming?

I’ve ordered a new fuel pump & ECU relay just to rule it out but I’m pretty sure there is nothing wrong with either of them which is making me think it may be something electrical / ECU related however I’m rubbish with wiring / electrical issues!

I’ve had a look at the fuse box, there are a few chopped wires but I think they are to do with the central locking / alarm loom.

I have also found these two connectors coming from from the ECU through the bulk head to where the fuse box is  which were not connected to anything and I can’t find anywhere for them to go.

White 2 pin (male) with two brown wires and two red wires with blue traces

Black Single pin (female) grey wire with blue trace

Since this issue, the radio also won’t turn on at all. I’ve checked relay and fuse.

No one seems to be able to help me out so any help or advice with these issues would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #1
not sure..... have you flooded the air intake with carb cleaner/easystart? see if the engine will fire? does the 8v have a cis/lift plate check that its not suck , needs to open freely.

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #2
if it's 1990 it will be digi, not K-jet so no it won't have a CIS lift plate.

Generally what you have described, it's turning but not starting so it's either the fuel or the spark.

Take out the spark plugs, one at time and place them on the block, turn the car over and check for a strong spark at each plug. You'll probably need a helper for this.

If you have a spark then it's certainly fuel related, if you don't have a spark then it's electrical. In which case check the condition of the earth to the ECU, it's highly possible to fry and ECU if the earth is weak.

Good luck and keep us posted, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it on here some how.

oh, have you ordered both fuel pumps? The in tank ones, usually is first to fail, the under car pump will continue to run, but under more strain, till it finally fails too. If you fit a new under car pump without replacing the in tank pump chances are you'll just burn out the new under car pump.

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #3
Also, just picked up you mention it's been a restoration project with a few things left to do, have you had the engine/gearbox out? it's very possible the earth strap on the gearbox. This is sometimes overlooked and will cook the ECU if you try and start it.

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #4
Yes it is digi

The in tank pump was new a few months ago, I’ll check for spark but I know there’s no fuel getting into the chambers as sparks are dry. It’s worth seeing though

I have had the gear box out, however it has ran fine since then, I know the earth on the gearbox is fine but I’m thinking maybe it’s the main engine to bulkhead earth that may be the issue.

Been trying to start it for a while whilst testing out different things so I’ll be amazed if the ECU isn’t fried already... not what I wanted!

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #6
Yes fuel filter has been replaced

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #7
Apologies if I've missed it in the above but do you actually hear the fuel pump when you turn on the ignition?
Assuming the fuel pump is working do you get fuel reaching the feed into the engine bay/injection rail. A couple of connections you can disconnect to check that by the timing belt?
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #8
The fuel pump didn’t make any noise no, it just randomly stopped priming. I bridged it and made it prime bit car still wouldn’t start however there is fuel getting to the pump

Just confused as it’s never had any starting issue before other than a flat battery

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #9
if it's 1990 it will be digi, not K-jet so no it won't have a CIS lift plate.

Generally what you have described, it's turning but not starting so it's either the fuel or the spark.

Take out the spark plugs, one at time and place them on the block, turn the car over and check for a strong spark at each plug. You'll probably need a helper for this.

If you have a spark then it's certainly fuel related, if you don't have a spark then it's electrical. In which case check the condition of the earth to the ECU, it's highly possible to fry and ECU if the earth is weak.

Good luck and keep us posted, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it on here some how.

oh, have you ordered both fuel pumps? The in tank ones, usually is first to fail, the under car pump will continue to run, but under more strain, till it finally fails too. If you fit a new under car pump without replacing the in tank pump chances are you'll just burn out the new under car pump.

my bad, lol.  still my 91,92 golfs have k jets, although they are  mk1 cabbies, DX(non cat) and JH engines(with cat and ECU) , then i go to the future in mk2 golf 88plate but 16v...
Any updates any fuel making it to the injectors? pump/pumps ok?

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #10
OK so based on your response to my question can you identify how far the fuel is getting? Disconnect the fuel pipe at diffetent sections. You also probably need to test the wiring to check there i's power to both pumps.
Never had such a problem but you will need to be careful not to create sparks with the fuel pipes disconnected. Also be careful disconnecting the fuel lines if they are pressurised since I remember vividly the unstoppable pain of petrol burning my eyes. Not nice.
1991 Tornado Red BB 8v GTI Moredoor
2008 Skoda Octy Scout aka dirty diesel

Re: Mk2 Golf GTI 8V - Starting / fuelling issues!

Reply #11
Hi, I am having the same issues as above - did you ever get to the bottom of it? Thanks