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Topic: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit  (Read 1337 times) previous topic - next topic

RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Space for 10 Mk2’s.

Will know in a week about purchasing tickets etc so can update then.

If you want to attend please start off a list
National Meet - 19-21 July 2024 @ Curborough Sprint Circuit

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #1
I am very tempted by this, I was struggling to decide whether to bring my mini or golf though!

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #2
I am very tempted by this, I was struggling to decide whether to bring my mini or golf though!

Ok if you can let me know in a week :)
National Meet - 19-21 July 2024 @ Curborough Sprint Circuit

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #4
Hi, very interested in attending this. Happy to go on the club stand. What is the process?  do i just buy a ticket for the weekend and let you know? Can i reserve a spot on the club stand on sunday and the retro parking on the saturday?
Sorry for the questions, iv'e just never attended one of these before! Great to have a show down south for a change!
Golf Country Montana green

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #5
Hi, very interested in attending this. Happy to go on the club stand. What is the process?  do i just buy a ticket for the weekend and let you know? Can i reserve a spot on the club stand on sunday and the retro parking on the saturday?
Sorry for the questions, iv'e just never attended one of these before! Great to have a show down south for a change!

Yep, just purchase a ticket and then I believe that they will be sending out Club passes (waiting for confirmation) and that's it :)
National Meet - 19-21 July 2024 @ Curborough Sprint Circuit

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #6
Ok, I've bought tickets for sat and Sunday. Let us know about the club stuff. Cheers!
Golf Country Montana green

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #7
Ok guys;

We are very well aware that Retro Rides Weekender is fast approaching, thank you for your patience with us whilst we get all this together in double-quick time.
We've got the Club Passes for VW Golf Mk2 Owners Club ready to go now, you can download yours here:!Avtnqydyw8TlmeF2Rqs-adnVIcB7uA?e=kndfwi
Your members will NEED to have that printed out and in their windscreen (or handy to wave at people on the gate if they lack a windscreen of suitable size). All people arriving for the club spaces will also need to have purchased their tickets in advance. They can be purchased here:
Ticket prices will increase from £12 to £20 on Monday 24th May as we move to our "on the day" prices for entry tickets.
Your stand size is currently 15 if you need to adjust this up or down please reply to this email and tell us. It is important this year we get the numbers as correct as possible, we are currently at capacity for club displays, if you can free up a couple of space or need a couple of extra spaces please let us know.
National Meet - 19-21 July 2024 @ Curborough Sprint Circuit

Re: RETRO RIDES WEEKENDER 2021 30th May Goodwood Circuit

Reply #8
Ok, I've bought tickets for sat and Sunday. Let us know about the club stuff. Cheers!

See my previous post
National Meet - 19-21 July 2024 @ Curborough Sprint Circuit