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Topic: Side Mouldings / Rub Strips (Read 1175 times) previous topic - next topic

Side Mouldings / Rub Strips


1984 no rub strips, had a side decal like the Mk1.

1985 - 87 stick on rubber side strips, had a stripe as part of it - no holes in body/doors. They sit below the swage line.

1987/88 plastic side strips with lugs that go into holes on the body. A separate thin red rubber strip was stuck to the body above the side moulding. They cover the swage line.

1988/89 as above, but there was a black decal with a red stripe that was stuck to the body before the side moulding was applied.

1990+ big bumper had thinner all black side trim with GTI badge front of door.

Re: Side Mouldings / Rub Strips

Reply #1
Does anyone know where you can obtain the black decal with a red stripe 1988/89 as above? Is it actually available??


Re: Side Mouldings / Rub Strips

Reply #3
Ah no but yes but  i probably am. My 1988 gti went for accident repairs way back in about 2000. The insurers approved repairer said the couldn't match the side trim so removed the undamaged Off side and the damaged nearside trims and replaced both with plain trim. Ive always assumed the red black trim was integral but maybe im wrong and it is indeed a separate under fit.

Re: Side Mouldings / Rub Strips

Reply #4
Thanks for the info.

Re: Side Mouldings / Rub Strips

Reply #5
Ah no but yes but  i probably am. My 1988 gti went for accident repairs way back in about 2000. The insurers approved repairer said the couldn't match the side trim so removed the undamaged Off side and the damaged nearside trims and replaced both with plain trim. Ive always assumed the red black trim was integral but maybe im wrong and it is indeed a separate under fit.

Yeah if it's 88 it would be the red and black sticker as linked and the black does go under the trim, my mate bought a set and they looked factory after finishing