Dubs Mania 6th – 7th June 2015

Another weekend and another show this time Dubs Mania held in the stunning grounds of Weston Park near Telford.

I tried this show some 4 years ago it poured down with rain all day, only myself on the stand and to top it all off the fuel pump packed in on the car and I had to wait to be recovered home.
So how did this year go, well the sun was shining all day, warm enough for a bit of a tan, we had 4 x Golf’s on the club stand and a couple of visitors the usual Oz in his Corrado Vr6 and Spenchan’s brother in his T5 camper.

The day started off in the normal way with the event shelter being put up and Tony getting his brew kit out, cheers Tony.

After a chat and a coffee it was off to have a wonder round the show, not a great deal in on offer in the auto jumble and there was the usual abundance of craft, toys and clothing stores on site, a nice area set up with all the food stalls in one place and a large beer tent with some live music being played all day. The toilets were refreshingly; kept very clean all day also.

So onto the first row of cars on display and this is where things changed to the normal VW Shows that we attend….. Ah that will be the Retro Mania part then.

Freshly rebuilt Rover SD1 running a 4litre V8 on nitrous, E34 M5, E30 325i Sport, Mk1 RS2000 Cossie powered, original 3 dr Cossie, S1 RS Turbo, Fiesta’s, Nova’s, Cavalier’s, Monza’s, Minis a few Porsches a TVR and plenty more. I’ll let the pics say the rest.

All in all a great show again well organised again by the folks responsible for All Types, a very reasonable entrance fee of £10 for the day or £15 for the weekend along with FREE camping makes for an affordable weekend.

Will I go again next year, most definitely will we have a Club Stand of course and hopefully this can and deserves to be one of the must go to shoes of the year.