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Topic: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v (Read 6185 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #30
Well, today was the day that after over a year of nothing happening, apart from Hollie being moved into my parent's garage so it could be kept dry, but making the garage floor wet with oil  :lol: , our new suspension kit arrived.

Spax PSX 40mm drop

Very exciting!

Dog's not impressed!

And for all of you lovely ladies (or gents, if it tickles your fancy,) here is a picture of my knob!


Can't wait to get it fitted, so it actually handles like a car, not a boat!
When it's fitted we'll get the all accessible bushes replaced, new top mounts and bump stops for good measure, plus the clutch, driveshaft oil seals and cambelt done too.

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #31
Paha! Very funny... The dog must realise it's not OEM, hence the disgusted look on her face!

I reckon that old man's suspension is what's fitted to Gumpert. Makes me laugh does his handling! But something endearing about it!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #32
Well once fitted I'm going to waxoyl the adjusters, to stop them seizing, so I may indeed put a fine layer of something over it. Possibly a layer of Collinite wax? Don't know if that would help? Or would clear waxoyl be better on the springs and painted parts of the shocks?

P.S. I'm not into comparing knobs!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #33
Thats buddy! Yea, if you could please keep those seats for me I would be most grateful. Ours cleaned up pretty well, but the bolster on the drivers one has seen better days. :) I will pm you when we are ready. Wont be long at all. Looking to get all the above sorted by end of Oct. My skoda needs a cambelt service first, so must prioritise cash that way lol.

As for the shocks, I honestly don't know how the dampers adjust. All I know is the knob is detatchable, so you keep it somewhere safe and adjust as necessary. I think it's just the fronts that are adjustable, from what I can make out. Really should look into it lol.

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #34
That would be awesome HxC,

If that saves the hassel of couriers etc. Of course, Stu I would offer some beer tokens for the journey. I'll pm stu, then arrange something.

Thanks very much!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet


Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #35
Well, it was 9th May 2011 that anything of significance last happened with this Golf. But with our house move in June of that year, the Golf then moved on into my Mum and Dad's garage for a "short period of time" whilst we got on our feet.

Well, who knew buying a house, furnishing it, paying bills and saving for a wedding could be so expensive?  :lol:
That unfortunately meant Hollie went on the back burner until we could afford to get the final parts done and insured and taxed.

It then got to the point of making excuses as to why we hadn't picked it up and got the last bits done - money being a fair enough excuse, but we found ANY spare cash at the end of the month somehow got swallowed up somehow or put into the wedding pot...

Then, my Mum and Dad announce they are moving house, to Brighton - 2 hours away.  :shock:

So excuses out the window, Hollie had to be out by mid Jan and on the road.

So last week, we began the process of getting her prepped to be picked up for the last bits to be done:
Cabelt and tensioners
Spax kit

So this was us last week

You may notice the jump leads from my Skoda, which proved unsuccessful. Sadly, my stupidity 18 months earlier of not disconnecting the battery whilst placing the Golf into storage killed the battery. Not a good start.

So my mate picked the car up on Thursday on his trailor and off to the garage it went with instruction from me to make it work!  :D
So this afternoon I get a phone call: It's on its way home with fresh MOT!


Clutch, clutch release bearing, clutch cable, gearbox oil seals (it left a lovely pool of vital fluids on my Dad's garage floor, which he was most pleased with  :mrgreen: ), new suspension kit fitted, new bushes when access was available, outer driveshaft CV boots, battery  :roll: , cambelt and tensioners and alternator belt...

So Hollie is on her way back to my Mum and Dads for us to pick up this week and just to tax it.
The only disadvantage about this whole thing is we are now SKINT!!!   :lol:  Beans on toast for the next 3 weeks!

Not only that, but my mechanic mate took it on a good drive to see how it felt and said the engine is really strong and smooth and the gearbox is as tight as a drum. He also had the wings off to apply waxoyl all over the place and said the inner wings were solid!

So, after being sat in a field under a firn tree for at least 4 years, the body is sound, with not a spec of rust and the engine and gearbox are sound. That is testament to VW build quality. The rest of the work was basically what you would expect to do on a car that's been stood for so long.

As you can tell, I'm relieved about the engine and gearbox, as if we had had all this work done to find one or both of those knackered, it would have been gutting!

Pics to follow when we pick it up!  :D  :D  :D

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #36
Of course it's still alive! It just has a few cobwebs on it now!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #37
Not yet I'm afraid. Will defo be there this year. No excuses this time! And in BOTH cars too!

You gonna bring the black heart if it's ready?

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #38
Well today was the day that Hollie was to come home from my Mum and Dad's garage after its recent MOT.
Got it taxed and went to drive it home the 8 miles or so, rather filled with trepidation... Would it conk out after not being driven properly for 6 years? Would we end up in a cloud of steam? Would a wheel fall off?

Well, there was no need for any anxiety. She drove like a dream!

Happy (geeky) me!

A little video of the drive (for you Damien  ;) )
Plus obligitory nag from Miss Mac about the brakes haha!

And finally, back home.  :D  :D  :D

Engine is as sweet as a nut. I didn't spank it, as I just wanted to get home with her, but it pulls well in all gears, the engine ran to temperature perfectly and the heater worked!

The gearbox is lovely and tight, no second gear crunch and the ride is bloody good! May need another notch softer on the Spax shocks if I'm being picky, but it's very poised at normal speeds.

Nearly two years after we rescued her... And she's home.  :D

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #39
I think I need to grow a big pair of cahones before having a go with a DA or rotary polisher!

For now I just gave it a good wash, getting rid of any remaining bits of tree/moss/spiders webs  :lol:

Went over it with a fine toothed comb trying to find any spots of rust. I'll let the pictures do the talking.  :)

Spax PSX kit

Le Castelettes have come up well. Could do with a good machine polish though.

Rear damage  :(

Dead battery in the footwell  :lol:

Needs a clean!

Clean as a whistle!

And Gumpert, just incase he feels left out.  :)

Dead chuffed!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #40
Well you know, why be a sheep and follow the croud? Battery in the footwell is where it's at! :lol:

The rear end was damaged when we picked it up. It's been last on the "to do" list really, although does detract from the look of it which is a shame.

As Dan said, it's not too bad and had a quote from the body shop to get it repaired. £200 doesn't seem too bad! Might also see if he can skim over the few blemishes on the tailgate too, but other than that, it's pretty mint! No signs of rust creeping through any of the trim, just a couple of little marks, as to be expected! :D

Got my mate coming over who picked up a Honda CRX from a scrappy for £300 as a Cat D after a small shunt the same time we bought ours. We had a bet on who would get theirs on the road first - loser buys the McDonalds! :lol:

Unfortunately, I'm buying, although he only got his on the road the week before Christmas! Gah!

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #41
Gonna take it for a spin tonight if you wanna meet up? PM me if you like? ;)

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #42
Small update:

Took the old girl out for a drive with miss_mac in the passenger seat, who may I add, was papping herself as it's her number one fear to break down in a car... Yet she drives a 22 year old Golf as a daily, and before that, a 25 year old (and to be honest) sh*t Golf before that! :lol:

All was well until I pulled off a roundabout, having just said to her, "check out how quick this is when I get on to the dual carriageway, I reckon it would give my Skoda a run for its money!" I ease off the roundabout, just about to give it a little blip and suddenly out of nowhere there is an almighty squealing sound from the engine, increasing in volume and pitch as I increased the revs.

Miss_mac (and myself) get all of a fluster and she says, "pull over Ali, I don't like it!" :roll:
Fortunately there was a layby a few yards up ahead. I pull in, pop the bonnet and stick my head underneath and ask her to rev it. The sqeal appeared to be coming from the alternator belt (which had just been replaced :? ). Then as quick as it started, the squealing stopped. So I get back in, miss_mac mumbles, "I just want to get home." I accelerate out of the layby and indicate to come onto the dual carriageway to find my indicators don't work!? :shock:

Annoyingly, the only way back involved about 300 roundabouts and a further 495 junctions, involving the use of my indicators. That is Essex for you - anyone who lives here, or travels through will notice that roundabouts are put in place just for the sake of it! So off we potter, indicator-less, pi$$ing off dozens of drivers, nursing the old girl home.

Got home. Miss_mac was actually a nervous wreck. So after some advice on here, it was confirmed the alternator belt was the likely cause of the squeal. So I have just been out and tightened it, as to be fair it was pretty slack! Probably had 2" play in it! Also had a look at my indicators and again, after some advice on here was pointed towards the direction of the number 21 relay or hazard switch. I tried the indicators and hazards and sometimes they worked, sometimes stuck on or off. So tapped the #21 relay and they work! So got a sticky relay!

Any got a #21 relay (that works) that they would like to donate? :D
0 x

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #43
Quote from: ghost_rider
Wow!!! I'm impressed Mate. From nearly scrap to that condition. Amazing. Looks great. I bought my MK2 in similar cond but I still have a lot to do hehe

Thanks buddy. Yeah it's been a bit of work... and money! But actually getting it on the road has made it all worthwhile! You will see what I mean!

stubob, if you do find one that would be amazing. Drop me a PM if you do and I'll bung you a couple of beer tokens for the trouble.

Sam, good luck with the test! And defo, let me know and we'll have a mini meet.  :)

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet

Re: Rescue Me - 1988 GTI 16v

Reply #44
Bumpers are very good mate! Not got them on yet as I will probably need a hand putting them on.

Well after turning the air in my garage a rather dark shade of blue
trying to get the dials out so I can change the bulbs, it took 2 evenings of trying, but SUCCESS!

Unfortunately this was at the expense of most of the skin on my hand and somehow, can't work out how it happened, but the hazard switch disintegrated  :lol:

That is the state of my hand...

So if anyone has a spare hazard switch AND number 21 relay they would like to donate to the 16v restoration trust fund... Please feel free to contact me lol.

'90 Mk2 Golf GL running R32 Power. 'Gumpert'
'88 Tornado Red Mk2 Golf 1.8 16valve GTI. 'Hollie' - Winner of Best Mk2 GTI at the 2014 & 2017 National Meet